Stéfanie’s Story
- Programs research tools
- Collaborates with interface designers and other researchers
- Presents tools at conferences
- Has commercialized a tool
Stéfanie has developed tools that explore different ways of visually presenting electronic texts. She has a degree in Computer Science and is a competent programmer in a number of languages from scripting languages like Perl to C++.
She presents her tools at national and international conferences though often she presents them as posters so she can have a laptop where people can try her tools.
She has collaborated with other projects to adapt her tools to work with the content of those projects. In one case she adapted a tool for use in language learning so that students could see how language patterns in French are used on the web.
She was hired to teach humanities computing courses including an introduction to web programming course where students in teams develop dynamic web sites for clients, often other instructors in the faculty.
She commercialized one of her tools that is useful for translators. She formed a small company that sells the tool over the web. This tool has received positive reviews in online sites for translators. She uses the modest income to hire students to update the product and its web site.
What can Stéfanie do to meet the expectations when she comes up for tenure?
What Stéfanie Can Do
- Document the development of her tools in an open fashion that addresses the hermeneutical issues raised
- Contribute to larger projects that demonstrate the research applications of her tools
- Assess the usability of her tools, especially pedagogical tools, in a documented fashion that can be presented at conferences
- Work with interface designers on projects that document and publish on innovative interfaces to research
- Write papers on the design of tools and the hermeneutics of tools
What Evaluators Could Do
- Develop a plan for evaluation with the candidate
- Use the tools to see how they work with content they are familiar with
- Assess the usage by others of the tools, including their adaptation to other projects