Justine Touredivoire

Justine’s Story

  • Publishes in peer reviewed online journals

  • Keeps a popular blg

  • Part of a research collaboratory and writes for its wiki

  • Is getting grants for multidisciplinary collaborative projects

Justine was hired in the area of philosophy of technology with an emphasis on computing. She teaches a mandatory course on the philosophy of science and technology for Engineering students and a computer ethics course in addition to her philosophy teaching. She is part of a large, well-funded multidisciplinary research team on the Society of Interface which includes computer scientists, engineers, human-computer interface researchers, ethnographers, and sociologists. She is the one humanist on the team and plays a crucial role reflecting on the research through her blog and the collaborative wiki. Thanks to her collaborations across campus she is has been invited to be on a number of grants led by engineering and science researchers. Her blog has taken off as a site for current news and reflection on the philosophy of computing. It gets over 500 unique visitors a day and has led to press attention. As for her publications, she has tended to write papers with her Society of Interface partners and publishes them in online peer reviewed journals that are read in the HCI community.

What Justine can do

  • Ask for a formal position from the research team that acknowledges her role

  • Document the grants that she is part of including the competitive nature of the grant programs she is applying to

  • Ask that she be a co-author on research coming out of the project where she had a role

  • Document the peer review practices of the online journals she is publishing in and her role in their authorship

  • Consider publishing also in print journals. Consider a summative article that brings together the work in the wiki and contextualizes it.

  • Document the press attention as a form of review

  • Document the blog statistics and work put into the blog. Provide a statement about the purpose, audience, and mandate of the blog that is supported by the actual entries.

  • Ask for a letter of support from the grant project leaders that explains her interdisciplinary role especially in regards to the wiki.

What evaluators could do

  • Read the blog and comments, at least for the last few months, and compare to a statement of purpose from Justine.

  • Read the online articles.

  • Compare the role on the wiki and blog to editorial work for a journal.

  • Consider the competitive nature of grant programs as a form of peer review.